The shopping list app is a tool to plan your shopping and helps you remember shopping items. The app is also a tool of personal accounting. It helps you to track your monthly expenditure and stores your spending history on your device only.
The shopping list app is a tool to plan your shopping and helps you remember shopping items. The app is also a tool of personal accounting. It helps you to track your monthly expenditure and stores your spending history on your device only.
Before you start using the app, navigate to the main menu and make sure to customize the list of shops and the list of categories for shopping items.
In the first and main form you need to enter the following: Item name, Description, Price, Day, Shop name and Item category. After adding, your item to shop will immediately appear in your shopping list. The shopping list has a feature you can use while shopping, you can reflect what is in the physical cart by ticking or checking the item on the app to indicate whether it is in the shopping cart or not. This feature helps to mark items that you have found so far in the current shop.
After shopping click on the bought button to send an item to the bought list. The bought list is an accounting list with all items that you bought this month and the previous month. Items older than two months are automatically deleted from the bought list.
Using delete buttons will remove items from the lists completely without undo.
Items in the bought list can be recycled back to the shopping list as a copy so that the item appears as duplicates in both lists. The recycle helps to add frequently shopped items to the shopping list. By editing a shopping item, you can adjust any changes from previous time the item was bought.
You do not have to use the app only while shopping but you may use the app after shopping if you keep all your shoppping receipts. In this case, enter items on receipts into the app and immediately click on bought to send items to bought list.
The app has two reports for your shopping. One report is by category and the other report is by shops you buy from. The reports can be filtered by this month, last month or both months as All. These reports are a powerful tool to help you monitor your monthly expenditure. You can visually identify categories and shops that are consuming your budget.